Thursday, August 19, 2010

School's in! Are you ready?

The school year is rapidly approaching, and there’s no better time than now to make sure you’re prepared to have a successful year. Before we begin with how to succeed this year in school, let us bring you up to speed on ITC.

As you hopefully know ITC has been in the process of relocating to T. Aaron Levy (Fellows Ave and Harvard Place) for the year while renovations begin at Central Tech. If you’re feeling skeptical about the move to Levy, don’t be! The Tech Know Staff has spent the last week and a half up exploring, helping teachers unpack, and trying to put together a guide to Levy for students and teachers alike. Transportation will be a little different this year, It will consist of both yellow-bus and Centro transport, and Tech Know will have an article on that in the coming weeks, you should also receive a letter no later than the 30th about transportation. ITC will have an enrollment of approximately 500 students, grades 8-12, and also a small Pre-K class.

School starts on Thursday September 9th for Underclassmen and Friday September 10th for upperclassmen, and we’ll have more on these dates later. For all the seniors taking ESF courses on campus (LSA-480 Urban Design and EFB-120 ESF and the Global Environment) those classes begin August 30th, and Mr. Williams will contact you about those.

Preparing for the 2010-11 Academic Year

With each new school year, comes a list of new classes, and this year is no exception. We’ve added approximately 3 ESF classes for college credit available to seniors, as well as many AP Classes. Now’s the time to make sure your schedule is to your liking, you can take a sneak peak at if you head over the Home Access Center ( but last time we checked, that’s not the correct version yet, and don’t freak out if it’s nothing you like. It’s also a good time to call and set up a meeting with the new guidance counselor Mrs. Santiago, you can call the Main Office at Levy to set up an appointment. (435-4444)

It’s also important that you begin getting back into a regular sleeping pattern. It’s really important you get used to getting up at a reasonable hour again, and going to bed at a reasonable hour—unless you want to train for the many late nights of studying you have ahead of you.

Last year we wrote a little article about the school supplies you (may) need, and we believe it’s rather sufficient for this year as well, so feel free to pursue around at your leisure.

The Tech Know Staff looks forward to seeing you in September, and we’ll continue to keep you updated as news about classes, changes and transportation emerges.

Written By Jacob O'Connell


Sanjeev Kumar - Writer
Mike McCrary - Sports Writer
McKenzie Dolan - Writer
Calvin Flood - Writer
Jacob O'Connell - Editor

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