Monday, October 5, 2009

ITC's Birthday Bash

As the football team went 5-0 last Saturday, Mr. Piraino turned 50 this October 5th, 2009. The Tech Know staff dedicated their time to decorate the Dean of Students' office with some help from the staff. The black theme played nicely with toilet paper made the birthday decorating a success.

A chocolate chip cake was brought to Piraino from Michael McCrary and it was distributed to students and birthday boy old man. Piraino was shocked to open the A People's History of the United States and The American Pageant. Mr. Piraino appreciated the student’s work stating, “I’m going to get you on April Fool’s Day.”

We all enjoyed laughter as certain plans were already in planning stages for a certain date that was confirmed by Piraino. In the future, we will extend our Piraino Humor out of the office to share the enjoyment among the staff and students alike.

Students also reported that during the 1st block APUSH, class, Piraino suffered another episode of dementia when he couldn't find his books, or bag. It is then said that he made several threats to students to give them more homework. Officials have not yet confirmed this.

The day was not all evil, as the people who have gotten referrals or been sent to Piraino's office would assume. After the cake, and presents the Tech Know Staff rushed all of the decorations up to decorate for Ms. Crawford's room for her birthday bash.

Ms. Crawford--We're really sorry about only having black death themed streamers and balloons, but Mr. P, mistook the white "happy birthday" streamers for toilet paper, and used them to clean up his accident.

By Sanjeev Kumar, Staff Reporter


Anonymous said...

Maybe Dean Piraino needs some glasses!

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Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That's how we're gonna be -- cool. Critical is fine, but if you're rude, we'll delete your stuff. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation!


Sanjeev Kumar - Writer
Mike McCrary - Sports Writer
McKenzie Dolan - Writer
Calvin Flood - Writer
Jacob O'Connell - Editor

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